I got hugs for you ----> If you were born in the 80's

Mais um momento musical, agora só naquela mesmo de um dia destes engolir as minhas palavras, mas esta é "dedicada" às minhas caloiras de 1990 e 1991.
Podem ter aquela carinha fofinha e ar maroto e tal, mas não nasceram "na década", inda têm muita sopinha pa comer e provar que os 90's não são um flop...! =P
I'm so proud I'm from the 80's...

Calvin Harris - Acceptable in the 80's =P
o clip no youtube ta porreiro, ms o embedded é protegido -.-

it was acceptable in the 80's
it was acceptable at the time
it was acceptable in the 80's
it was acceptable at the time

i got love for you if you were born in the 80's ,the 80's
i've got hugs for you if you were born in the 80's ,the 80's
i'll do things for you if you were born in the 80s, the 80's
i've got hugs for you if you were born in the 80's, the 80's
